Don’t Miss Your Chance – How to Close the Deal in Russian

A:Елена, мне было очень приятно с Вами познакомиться.
B:Мне тоже, Джон.
A:Вот, это моя визитная карточка. Здесь мой мобильный телефон и и-мейл.
B:Спасибо. К сожалению, у меня нет визитки. Давайте я Вам напишу мой номер.
A:Давайте, вот блокнот.
B:Всего хорошего, до связи!
A:До свидания!

блокнот notebook, pocket diary / мобильный телефон cell phone / к сожалению unfortunately, I’m afraid / всего хорошего (wish you) all the best / визитная карточка name card/business card / до связи keep in touch / До свидания good-bye, until next time

Dative Case

What is the dative case itself? Its primary function is to designate that something is given or addressed to a person (object). In English, we can call it the “to” case, because when you translate Russian words in the dative case, you will get “to” in English.

Using a dative pronoun and an adverb is only one way to express emotions, but it involves some essential adverbs, so it would be useful to remember.

The pronouns in dative case have another very useful function – they will help you to ask and make requests.

For Example:

  1. Дай(те) мне…
    Dai(tie) mne...                                     
    “Give me…”

Whenever you are buying, ordering, or just asking for something, you will use the pronoun мне, meaning “to me.” And you will use the word “give” in a command form. You can make it sound more or less polite by adding or dropping -те at the end.