Grammar tables from Learning Russian

2.Gender Endings of Nouns
Nouns – Animate and Inanimate
3.Countries, Nationalities and Languages
Personal Endings of Russian Verbs, Present Tense
4.Adverbs “ещё” and “уже”
Whose? Чей? – Possessive pronouns
Conjunctions “и”, “а”, “но”, “тоже”
5, 6.Where?
7, 11, 12.Tenses of Verbs
9.Adverbs and Adjectives
10.Accusative Case – Direct Objects
14.Nouns Singular in the Genitive Сase
15.Genitive with Prepositions
16.Genitive Case Plural
17.Nouns in the Instrumental Case
18.Nouns in the Instrumental Case
Reflexive Verbs
19, 20.Dative Case
21.Nouns and Personal Pronouns in the Prepositional Case
29.Aspects of Russian Verbs – Imperfective and Perfective
30.Directions and Places
31.Verbs of Motion
32.Verbs of Motion with the prefix “по-”
33.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “в-”, “вы-”
34.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “при-“ and “у-“
35.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “под-” and “от-”
36.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “про-” and “пере-”
37.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “за-”, “об(о)-”
38.Verbs of Motion with the prefix “до-”
39.Verbs of Motion with the prefixes “с-” – “раз-” (“рас-”) and the postfix “-ся”
40.Verbs of Motion with prefixes
41.Constructions of purpose and reason
42.Conditional sentences with “если” and “если бы”
43.Replacing constructions containing “который” with question words “где”, “куда”, “откуда”, “когда”
44, 45.Prepositions used to denote time reference
46.Prepositions to denote time frames: “с … по … ”, “с … до … ”, “от … до … ”
Speaking about time. Conjugation of some cardinal and ordinal numerals
47.Constructions of time – “давно/недавно”, “долго/недолго”, “надолго/ненадолго”
48.The difference between “тоже”, “также” and “так же как и”
49.The difference between “благодаря” and “из-за”
50.The difference between “но” and “хотя”
51.Comparatives. The construction “чем … тем”
52.Superlative forms
53.Imperative forms
54.Undesirable or impossible actions: “не + Imperative”
55.Constructions of possibility “мочь + Infinitive”
56.Particles “кое-”, “-либо”, “-нибудь”, “-то”
57.Active and passive verbs
58.Active and passive verbs in the past tense
59.Constructions with the particles “не” and “ни”
60.Constructions of time with “когда – пока”
61, 62.Forming active present and past participles
63, 64.Forming passive present and past participles
65, 66.Forming adverbial participles using perfective and imperfective verbs
67.Short form of adjectives
68.Verbs of motion “нести/носить”, “везти/возить”, “вести/водить”
69.Verbs of Motion “тащить/таскать”, “катить/катать”
70.Figurative meaning of motion verbs.
71, 73.Constructions of Occurrence.
72.Constructions of Creation and Emergence
74.Constructions of Sufficiency
75, 76.Verbal Nouns
77.Constructions with the Verbs “быть”, “стать”
78–80.Sentences with Constructions Typical of Literary and Academic Writing
81.Declension of Cardinal Numbers. Part 1.
82.Declension of Cardinal Numbers. Part 2.
83.Telling the Time
84.Ordinal Numbers
85.Complex Constructions of Time with the Genitive and Prepositional Cases