найти vs. находить

Вы искали там?
“Did you look for it there?” 

искать imperfective




副动词: ища



副动词: искавши//искав 



The verb найти (“to find”) is perfective. That means we can use it in the past or in the future, but not in the present. In the present tense, we use the verb находить. Please, note the conjugation of the verb найти in the past:

Он нашёл 
Она нашла 
Они нашли

Sample sentences

Сергей нашёл ручку.“Sergey has found a pen.”
Марина нашла бумажник.“Marina has found a wallet.”
Мы ничего не нашли.“We didn’t find anything.”

туда vs. там

Вы искали там?
“Did you look for it there?” 

The help desk assistant asks, Вы искали там? The English translation for this sentence is, “Did you look for it there?” Kevin replies, Да, я вернулся туда, or in English, “Yes, I went back there.” As you can see, both там and туда translate into English as “there.” Why do we use two different words in Russian then?

For Example: 

  1. Мы едем в Москву. Мы едем туда.
    “We are going to Moscow. We are going there.”
  2. Мы живём в Москве. Мы живём там. 
    “We live in Moscow. We live there.”

We use туда to talk about the direction of movement (“to go there,” “to fly there,” etc.). We usually use it with verbs of movement such as ходить, идти, ездить, and ехать, among others.

We use там to talk about where something is situated, its position. We can use it with verbs such as жить, and работать, among others.

In a nutshell:

  1. Туда– “there,” meaning “to a place”
  2. Там– “there,” meaning “in a place”

Sample sentences

Аня там не работает.“Anya doesn’t work there.”
Мы не ходим туда.“We don’t go there.”
Вы часто ездите туда?“Do you go there often?” (by car, etc.)
Ты живёшь там?“Do you live there?”
Не ходи туда.“Don’t go there.”
Там много людей.“There are many people there.”